Phone MembersRemotePhoneCallService API Reference

The Phone type exposes the following members.

Public methodAcceptCall
Accepts an incoming call.
Public methodCall
Starts calling the given number. In the case this service is not connected to the CallCenter-application (State is unequal to Connected) or the phone is not connected to CallCenter (State) equals Unknown) the given number is queued for some seconds to be dialed immediately after a connection to the phone has been established. The queued number can be watch via the property NumberToCallPending.
Public methodCreateSMS
Starts the creation of a new SMS for the given numbers. In the case this service is not connected to the CallCenter-application (State is unequal to Connected) or the phone is not connected to CallCenter (State equals Unknown) the given numbers are queued for some seconds to be used for the SMS creation immediately after a connection to the phone has been established. The queued numbers can be watched via the property NumbersForCreateSMSPending.
Public methodEndCall
Requests to end the active call.
Public methodSendSMS
Send a SMS message with the given text to the given numbers.
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Public propertyActionState
Shows the state of a currently pending command.
Public propertyActiveContactLabel
The current active contact label for the current active number int the case the contact is known.
Public propertyActiveNumber
The current active number. This is the number of a ringing call or the currently dialed number.
Public propertyNumbersForCreateSMSPending
The current pending numbers for creating a new SMS. This numbers are queued by an invocation of the CreateSMS( String )-method while the phone is not connected. If the phone is connected within some seconds, these numbers will be used for creating a new SMS. Otherwise the numbers will be reset.
Public propertyNumberToCallPending
The current pending number to be called. This number is queued by an invocation of the Call(String)-method while the phone is not connected. If the phone will be connected within some seconds, this number will be dialed. Otherwise the number will be reset.
Public propertyState
Shows the current state of the remote phone.
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Public eventActiveContactLabelChanged
Fired after the ActiveContactLabel-property has changed.
Public eventActiveNumberChanged
Fired after the ActiveNumber-property has changed.
Public eventNumbersForCreateSMSPendingChanged
Fired after the NumbersForCreateSMSPending-event has changed.
Public eventNumberToCallPendingChanged
Fired after the NumberToCallPending-property has changed.
Public eventPhoneActionStateChanged
Fired after the ActionState-property has changed.
Public eventPhoneStateChanged
Fired after the State-property has changed.
Public eventPropertyChanged
Fired for all property changes. (implements OnlineINotifyPropertyChanged)
Public eventSMSReceived
Fired for new incoming SMS messages.
Public eventSMSSendResult
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See Also